Regular school attendance is an essential part of good education and we place a high priority on encouraging this good practice at Exhall Junior School.
In accordance with the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 which came into force on 1st September 2013: It is illegal to take children out of school for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
What are 'Exceptional Circumstances'?
There is no set guidance on what an ‘exceptional circumstance’ may be. It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and the Governors to consider the circumstances surrounding each term time leave request on an individual basis. However, at our school we interpret ‘exceptional’ in this context as being of unique and significant emotional, educational or spiritual value to the child, which outweighs the loss of teaching time. You may be required to attend a meeting with the head teacher following your request.
This interpretation will have different parameters from one case to another and whilst it will be important to look at the whole situation in making decisions about individual requests, the normality will be that requests will be refused in line with the law.
Where possible, there should be at least 15 days notice of leave.
Is the School allowed to authorise Term Time Holiday Requests?
It is a legal requirement for children to attend school. At Exhall Junior School School we place great importance on attendance. High attendance leads to high achievement. From 1st September 2013, legislation does not allow any school to authorise leave of absence for holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances.
We believe our holiday request is under exceptional circumstances.
How do I apply for a term-time absence for my child/children?
Applications for leave of absence during term time should always be made at least 15 working days (3 school weeks) in advance of the holiday. Forms can be obtained from the school office. Once completed, the form should be returned to the school office and you will be required to attend a meeting with the Head teacher and Attendance Governor to discuss your request.
What happens if I take an Unauthorised Term Time Holiday?
If parents take a term time leave of absence for a holiday which has not been authorised, they may have to pay a fixed penalty fine under the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. This fine is £60 per child per parent if paid within 21 days or £120 per child per parent if paid within 28 days.
Your child’s school attendance record will be permanently marked with an unauthorised absence which will be passed on to their future schools and to the Warwickshire ACE Team. If a child is absent for an extended period of time without an explanation, they may be removed from the school roll meaning that they will not have a place at the school to return to.
Recent Research
DfE backed researched has suggested there is a link between High attendance and High achievement for children in exams at the end of KS2 and 4