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Class A 2024-25

Hello and welcome to Class A's page!  Year 3 is the first year for the majority of our students at Exhall Junior School.  Our children have come to us from a variety of infant schools and primary schools.  They have settled in well and we have been impressed with their enthusiasm to learn.  


We hope you enjoy exploring this class page and taking a look at some of our learning.

20th January

Today in D&T we explored pneumatic systems.  The children worked in pairs to join together a syringe, a piece of tubing, a balloon and an elastic band to create their system.  We then sketched and labelled what we had created.  Next lesson we are going to design monsters which will having moving pneumatic parts. 

14th January

Year 3 worked in groups to use their verbal story telling skills to entertain their classmates!  They were retelling a scene from 'Madagascar.'  Their choice of vocabulary was brilliant and they even included actions.


18th November

Year 3 have been enjoying exploring our new topic of Anglo Saxons by studying and sorting different artefacts.   We thought hard about what each artefact was telling us about the life of the person they belonged to.  All the artefacts were found at Sutton Hoo, which you can learn more about here:


30th September

We have been thoroughly enjoying exploring the place value of 3 digit numbers using different practical resources.  This has allowed us to secure our understanding of partitioning.