Class B 2024-25
Welcome to Year 4!
We are excited to welcome you and your child to Year 4 at EJS. This year promises to be filled with learning, growth, and new adventures. Our goal is to create a supportive and engaging environment where every student can thrive.
On this page, you’ll find information about our curriculum activities and be able to share in all the amazing learning that has taken place in our classroom.
January 10th
To support our storytelling, Class B have been re-enacting a scene from Madagascar. They considered how the animals felt and how they expressed their emotions. Great acting class B!
January 7th
It's music day! Year 4 have been looking at ballads and considering 'space oddity' by David Bowie. They are familiar with the song already and now are beginning to create a performance using actions and working in teams.
December 16th
Here is an example of some of the fantastic writing year 4 have produced to describe the village of Whoville. Please read if you would like to be transported to a winter wonderland!
December 9th
Year 4 had lots of fun with 'Portals to the Past', who took us on an adventure back to the Anglo-Saxon times. We learnt Saxon board games and acted out the legend of Beowulf.
November 14th
For our new science block - states of matter - we have been investigating the properties of lots of different items, deciding - is it a solid, a liquid or a gas?
October 24th
Through their science topic of living things and their habitats, Year 4 have been able to recognise the negative impact that the current construction work in Bedworth park may be having on the ecosystem there.
As a class, they investigated which animal habitats were most in danger and researched ways that they could help them.
They have designed bird boxes, roof gardens and rewinding spaces and then brought them to life using LEGO.
September 17th
In maths fluency, we have been learning about arrays to support our knowledge of time tables and division facts. Class B went outside and made arrays out of items they found in the natural environment.